Chip In And Buy Plantain Chips! There’ll Be No Regrets!

Watching the TV intently is something that you love to do. Yet, it does not seem to be much fun without snaking your hand into the plate full of crispy chips and munching on it as your favourite team touches base. Wait! Do you really want to pile on the calories while becoming caricatures of the players you so admire? You should definitely say ‘no’ to the carb laden and fat filled potato snacks now.

Fret not; here’s an amazing alternative for you. Try out the yummy yellow plantain chips and you are sure to go off the tasteless potato crackers forever! It isn’t a tall promise though. You would be pleased as a punch to receive an entire variety of chips from Olu Olu Foods that specializes in African, specifically Nigerian food.

Why Buy It?

So, go ahead and buy plantain chips online ASAP! You can rejoice at finding a decent snack sans the negatives. The satisfying crunch of the green plantain chips will help you to augur your enjoyment while the mineral filled delicacy enables you to give your body some extra power.

True, Olu Olu Foods sticks to the tradition and fries the lot in palm oil. However, you will not be able to find any evidence of it lingering behind on the chips. The age old method of preparing food has been preserved with the word spread to all parts of the world courtesy the wonderful chips with a difference.

How to eat it?

That does not mean that you would have to gorge on the plain chips time and again, enticing though it may sound.

Capture the essence of deepest Africa by incorporating the chips in your recipes and enjoy your meal with gusto. Try dipping the plantain chips into the conventional dips or dunk it into a bowl of soup or relish. You might also satiate your sweet tooth by making the appetizing banana bread yummier by adding a satisfying crunch to it by spreading a handful of sweet plantain chips over it.

Embellish your taco and hot soup by adding a healthy amount of these chips or simply carry them along with the ubiquitous trail mix as you embark on a trek.

The Parting Shot

You do not have to believe our word though. Feel free to make your decision after tasting the plantain chips. We are sure that there will be no looking back at the sad potato variety ever again. 
